It won’t happen to me…..
It’s natural to think it won’t happen, but the statistics on major illness for women prove otherwise:
– The lifetime risk of women developing breast cancer before age 75 is 1 in 11
– The risk of being diagnosed with any type of cancer before the age of 75 is 1 in 4 females
Many women also think that heart disease is generally a male condition, but the statistics tell a different story:
– Heart disease is the number 1 killer of Australian women and women are almost 2 times more likely to die of it than breast cancer
– In 2004-05, it was estimated that one in every five women in Australia had some form of cardio vascular disease
While the incidence of serious illness is alarming, the good news is the improvement in survival rates has dramatically improved:
– The relative survival estimate for females for all cancers combined increased from 53% in 1982-1986 to 64% in 1998-2004
– The death rate for cardio vascular disease for women has decreased on average by 3.2% every year during 1987-1996 and 4.5% during 1997-2006
A widening protection gap
Greater survival rates are good news, but they also create a need to fund a strong recovery and quality of life after illness.
Many women already have life insurance and those who are in paid employment may even have income protection insurance, but if serious illness strikes there can be a serious protection gap involving a whole range of extra costs that these forms of insurance can’t cover:
– If you don’t die, you won’t be entitled to receive any pay out from your insurance; and
– Your income protection may pay a percentage of your income, but for serious illness this may not be enough.
Trauma Cover empowers women to control their future
Trauma Cover can bridge the protection gap and give women a lump sum cash payment that they can use for:
– Funding specialised medical costs that may not be covered by private health insurance;
– Purchasing any special equipment;
– Relieving stress that can hinder recover;
– Creating the freedom to spend quality time with family;
– Making a long family holiday possible; and
– Having a choice about continuing to work.
It’s not just for women in paid employment
Trauma Cover can be even more important for women who choose to stay home to care for children and the home. If you are not in paid employment you are not eligible for income protection insurance, but because Trauma Cover is not limited to those earning an income, any women can apply for it.
The value of a home maker in dollar terms also underscores the importance of having cover in place. Imagine what it would cost your family to fund all the duties you perform if serious illness prevented you from doing them yourself:
– Cleaning and laundry;
– Transporting children
– Shopping and cooking
– Ensuring children are supervised and cared for; and
– Managing home finances
Its not just cancer and heart disease that are covered
Trauma Cover gives you a protective financial shield against more than 40 different serious medical conditions, such as:
– Stroke
– Multiple sclerosis
– Paralysis; and
– Organ transplant.
Payment is generally made upon diagnosis, so you have the funds as early as possible after the condition strikes, to help you cope, survive and rebuild your life with confidence.
Life is full of uncertainties
There is now way of knowing what is around the corner. Even if you take good care of yourself and try to stay safe and well, some things will always be out of your control. The opportunity for women now is to choose to protect against those events that have some of the worst consequences. Clearview Trauma Cover gives you a simple, affordable and powerful way to help you maintain your financial independence.
Source: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Breast cancer in Australia: an overview 2009
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Women and heart disease:
National Heart Foundation of Australia, Health living women and heat disease 2013
Australia Institute of Health and Welfare 2010, Cardiovascular disease mortality: trends at different ages.